Sunday, September 4, 2011

Upcoming Events

Hello friends and family! I hope that you had a fantastic Labor Day weekend. I know I did! I spent the weekend resting up and spending time with my friends and family. I'm also ready to get back in the classroom with your sweet children. The next couple of weeks are going to be full of activities. Reading groups are in full swing! You'll notice your child bringing home a leveled book to read aloud to you. This is VERY important practice for them because the books are specifically on their reading level. Being able to read fluently is vital in first grade. Your child's goal is to be able to read at least a level 12 by December.

Don't forget that Friday, September 9 is the Grandparent Luncheon. If you made a reservation with the school, we will be sending you more information regarding your child's lunch schedule for that event.

Also, our first FIELD TRIP is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14! We will be going to the Apple Valley Orchard! This is a first grade tradition, and we always have a GREAT time! That week we will be focusing on an "Apple Unit" in class. We will be incorporating an apple theme into our reading, writing, math, science, and social studies lessons. Please sign and return the field trip forms by September 9.

Have a great week! :)